Art History Lecture & Physical Art Study of Mark Rothko's Art Style
Art Created by Grace Divine Inspired by the Art Style of Mark Rothko
Mark Rothko is a great American artist. He suffered from terrible
depression and ultimately took his own life. This brings to light
the importance of treating depression.
In 2016, I had the great pleasure of giving a lecture on Mark Rothko and the Abstract Expressionist movement. I happened to have 21 canvases lying about, so I used them to make paintings in the style of Mark Rothko and other artists from that movement. The experience was very powerful. And learning about Mark Rothko and his desire to connect with people via his art was a great pleasure. I dedicate this art and book to him.
TITLE and Art Explanation
Remembering my father and when we moved to Big Canyon in Newport Beach, California. Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
TITLE and Art Explanation
The power of color as exemplified by Mark Rothko.
TITLE and Art Explanation
Passion desire pleasure and CLIMAX
Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
TITLE and Art Explanation
Playing multiforms.
Abstractions of thoughts and ideas.
Small tiny breaths coming to life
with a little paint and a little light.
Difficult unknown complexities.
Brustrokes that caress and forgive, and then forget...
Moments of learning and experience.
And then, the painting in done and its on to the next.
Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
TITLE and Art Explanation
A memory of a Mexican landscape.
Afterall, the expression of a thought that came and went.
Mexico here, Mexico there, the sounds of music playing.
And then, nothing but an expectation of change.
Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
TITLE and Art Explanation
Remembering my father.
Moving to California, Newport Beach.
Water, yachts, membership, he is piloting the boat.
< I wonder and I worry, if he can take it out of its dock.
The water in the Newport marina.
I focus on the ligth hitting the waves.
Killing time... waiting for something and then nothing happens.
What a disappointment. But he doesn't even notice.
He is full of himself.
I loved him and I still love him.
Father, wherever you are, I made this to remember, not wanting to remember anyway.
Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
TITLE and Art Explanation
Biomorphism... part of the abstract expressionist movement.
Organic natural shapes that are become
But the painter stops them before they actually become.
Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
TITLE and Art Explanation
Thoughts and feelings about organizing my mind...
Thoughts and ideas flood my mind.
A peaceful embrace, everything seems fine.
Thoughts and feelings about organizing... it's fine.
Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
TITLE and Art Explanation
A biomorphic shape becomes on the canvas.
The eyes of something that peaks beyond the canvas.
As I paint, leaving the brush and the tools behind.
Using my hands... using my hands.
Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
TITLE and Art Explanation
Purple and blue is so spiritual.
And spirits rise like a pack of bufalo.
White and pure, the paint, its texture, gives them life.
And they are, are, are...
Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
TITLE and Art Explanation
Thoughts and feelings about the art business.
It is wonderful and not wonderful at the same time.
But in the end, art is beautiful, no matter what.
Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
TITLE and Art Explanation
Mark Rothko painted landscapes...
Landscapes into the mind...
Deeply rooted in the unconscious...
And then, leaving it behind. Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
TITLE and Art Explanation
to Nina:
"My beautiful daughter.
How I miss you my sweet little one.
You grew up so quickly.
Once, you were all mine.
Have compassion darling, COMPASSION.
Have compassion for your mother.
And then, you will have compassion for yourself.
And that will make you stronger, much stronger than you are now.
Look into this painting, an exercise into abstract expressionism.
And notice all the biomorphic forms within it... the faces coming out of the paint. The bodies that stretch and grow and groan. The eyes that peak out... Everything, asking for compassion...
Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
 TITLE and Art Explanation
This is dedicated to my Fylgja or Shekinah. Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
TITLE and Art Explanation
A dance of colors in the style of Mark Rothko. A landscape of the mind... Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
TITLE and Art Explanation
A landscape of the mind in sweet pastels with multiforms erupting from the paint. Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
TITLE and Art Explanation
I painted this thinking of my dear grandmother "abuelita linda, preciosa, hermosa, divina... Te amo! Te amo tanto XO." I used my hands and I felt and yearned for her... And missed her and I cried.
But it's not her fault. This is a concequence of this art style... sadness. Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas

TITLE and Art Explanation
Something magical happened in 2013. A fox or dog that looked like a fox came to me. It was so friendly and beautiful. I wish I had kept it with me. Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas

TITLE and Art Explanation
This painting is dedicated to Angie... sweet thoughts of you my dear daughter xoxox Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas
TITLE and Art Explanation
Memories of living in Big Canyon Newport Beach California in my father's house.
Humanitarian Art Series
Original art Large 4'x 4' approx or other
Oil on canvas