Humanitarian Art To Raise Awareness
Challenge 2017 1000 Humanitarian Paintings for 100 Causes
Title of Painting: Amazing is your Grace Oh Lord. I love you. How sweet it is that sound when I hear your voice. Your creation. Glory be to you Oh Lord. Find a cure. Thank you
2 x 2 feet approx
acrylic on wood
Title of Painting: I was lost. Now I have been found, for I found my soul.
Oh glory be to God, for I was blind, but now I can see through God's holy gift of life. Find a Cure. Holy Be.
2 X 2 feet approx
acrylic on wood
Title of Painting: "It was Grace, your Grace Oh Lord, Almighty God of All Creation, that taught my heart to fear. For it was without You, that I would never want to be. I love you as it is you, your Holy Grace, and through the blood of your Son, that my fears have been relieved.
2 X 2 feet approx
acrylic on wood
Title of Painting: How precious did that Grace appear to me, Oh Lord, Creator, Savior of all creation. Now come to me forever more, alive or gone to sleep. Be by my side forever more. And I pray for all people, including my own. Bless us all Oh Lord. Bless us with your love and forgiveness.
2 X 2 feet approx
acrylic on wood
Title of Painting:Through many dangers, I have toiled. In every corner of my long life, I have met evil snares of every kind.
But it was Your Grace that kept me safe and it was Grace that brought me back to you. Holy be forever more. Oh Lord. Holy be in your light, bring me home."
2 X 2 feet approx
acrylic on wood
Title of Painting: "Lord, you have promised to be with me. You have promised to protect me at every turn with every step. Keep your word of love and protection as I honor you forever more.
2 X 2 feet approx
acrylic on wood
Title of Painting:"Yes, and when my time comes, and I lay me down to sleep, come and take my soul, and come into my dream and wake me. For you said that you would do that thus. For I love you very much. Bless me. And bless all people of my kindred and my blood, my family and children. Bless all people and all creatures. Blessed You Be Oh Lord. Forever More.
2 X 2 feet approx
acrylic on wood
Title of Painting: And so together we shall be, from the beginning to the end, that I will find the solace in your Grace Oh Lord. That we all find solace, peace, happiness and joy through you. Thank you for my life and my life eternal ever more.
2 X 2 feet approx
acrylic on wood
Title of Painting: Amazing Grace is You Oh Lord. How sweet Your Love is Lord.
2 X 2 feet approx
acrylic on wood
Title of Painting: Blessing to you Oh Lord, Creator of the All. I love you. Amen.
2 X 2 feet approx
acrylic on wood