May all people heal and be happy
This art was created in 2017 and it was part of "CHALLENGE 2017 1000 PAINTINGS FOR 100 HUMANITARIAN CAUSES."
The purpose of this art is to raise awareness to stress, PTSD, anxiety, to all killers of life and well-being. It wishes healing, wellness, well-being, relaxation, and love to all.
Today, September 15, 2024, I make a special dedication and dedicate this art to PEACE ON EARTH. I label is "ProtestArt", Protest Art, Social Commentary Art. Art to raise awareness to the importance of peace on earth.
Sending love and blessings to all people.
1. Be Happy Friend. Find Peace.
2. Reach within. I found God and I found peace.
5. There can be joy. I know. I found it. Hate is not the way. Let go of the people who hate, and bless them.
6. I want to forgive and let go. I want to find joy in the natural beauty that surrounds me. The smallest things can give joy to those who wish to find it there. Find joy within. Find joy in God, the source of all creation.
7. There is music all around, if one is willing to listen. Take the wax out of your ears and hear. The voice of God and His wondrous creation hums with the beat of the heart.
8. Ultimately, the mind is the final arbiter of peace. That which is outside is one thing. That which is inside is another. Beware of the snake spoken of in the garden of paradise. It is a parasite. Eat well and take care of yourself.
9. 9/15/24 Water will matter more and more as time goes on. Clean water is priceless. Care and love for others. There, one can find peace. Breath, love and greet the morning. There is the birth of healing. Thanks be to God.
10. There is time and yet, there is no time. This is not a word salad. It is profundity. So, don't use time as a measure of your success. Only use this moment, for it is the only one that counts.
I love you friends. Thank you for reading.
And to Angie and Nina, I hope you find peace wherever and whenever your are. We are all in a journey of discovery. Make every step count, by making sure you are aware of it.
I love you, Mom.