And The Abstract Art Movement
An essay with art comprised of ideas about and including, but not limited to:
1. Similarities between chaos magic and abstract art
2. Social developments, 20th century, and their impact on chaos ideologies and abstractions
3. The concepts of sygilism and their similarities to ideation, mind conceptions and block building as a mental process for understanding life experiences
4. The fear of abstraction and it similarities to other fears like the fear of chaos magic, the unknown, other universes, etc.
and more
This art is social commentary art, all opinion, "PROTEST ART", #ProtestArt. It was created in 2024 to raise awareness to a humanitarian cause.
And in particular, this art is dedicated to
understanding the nature of reality and for humanitarian purposes, bringing joy to the world.
In addition, the art here is digital/photoshopped. It is based on my humanitarian art from "Challenge 2017, 1000 paintings, 100 humanitarian causes". The art from "Challenge 2017" was hand painted, original art, and was created by me.
Much of my humanitarian art is in an abstract style. To begin with, my abstract art paintings are inspired by processes and concepts from the 20th century Abstract Art Movement primarily in the USA.
In a nutshell, abstract art came about in relation to, before, during, and after WWI, and WWII. Basically, it could be argued that the abstract art movements, with its many different branches, was inspired by the horrors of war. One such horror, is how so many people during the wars just followed. Like metaphoric sheep, without thinking, believing propaganda and lies, they followed. And in such a way, they ended up being manipulated to their loss. In this way, history shows, millions of people sufferend, were injured, lost everything and some died.
And obviously, there was trauma resulting from all of this. Trauma, that necessitated for the mind to come back to basics in order to heal. The so called, "the beginning". Imagine, for example, the brain of a health happy baby, with a clean slate. And the query, how do we create beauty, life, prosperity, success, happiness and more importantly, a future of peace and friendship and the survival of the species? And more importantly, when the past led us to the horrors of WWI and WWII, how can it be relied on to create a present and future based on life?
And don't get me wrong, I believe in history, and learning from the past, and further, not destroying or ignoring the past. I, unlike many artists during the abstract art movement, believe we can learn from the past. I also believe, respect and honor, the spirit of all uniformed men and women who fought for a TRUE CAUSE IN THEIR HEARTS. My grandfather was in the military, and I honor him. Therefore, I recognize and honor all people in the military, army, navy, space, etc. I HONOR, LOVE AND RESPECT YOU. My point is, that one must read, study, learn and respect history. For, as the saying goes, one who does not learn from the past, is bound to repeat it.
The bottom line is that THE ABSTRACT ART MOVEMENT SERVED A PURPOSE! The point is that the trauma resulting from the wars, necessitated that the mind go back to concepts of abstractness. And why is that? So we must ask other questions. For example, why does the mind hold on to so much horror? And here is what I believe is the answer. In the void of meaning, which arguably is visual abstractness, exists all possibility! And so, abstraction by its existence, holds on to the power of thought, and in particular, to process of idea creation which is lead by critical thinking skills. And from there, a world of possibilities can stem out a spring of life.
Finally, this art is created and published under the protection of the First Amendment Right to Expression US Constitution. All my art and books are just opinions, my opinions, artistic and in word. They are not facts. In addition, I intend no harm to anyone or any thing. No libel, defamation or slander is meant. And I apologize to anyone who is offended. Such offense was not meant by me. This is all an opinion and commentary only, not fact. Please research, learn, study and use criticial thinking skills to arrive at your own opinion. Peace and respect.