These paintings, art & words here or otherwise, were created under 1st Amendment US Constitution Freedom of Speech and Expression protections. I am not a doctor. These paintings are not related to medicine and do not propound to find or elaborate on any kind of cure or to give medical advice. If you, the reader, needs medical help for any reason, contact licensed medical providers in your area, including search for and discover sites that provide emergency and/or assistance for depression or related, suicide, etc. Do not stay on this page. Get help immediately. And about these art, they are solely about my experience when I lost a friend to suicide. The art represents my reaction to the loss. No defamation, libel or slander is intended by anything on this page or website. Everything on this page and the website www.GraceDivine.com is OPINION, not fact and I have to add for fun and entertainment purposes only.
September 26, 2024 © Grace Divine
 Find Cure Depression Art Series TITLE: "The Shaman, the Heart of the Dancing Drum and the Minotaur"
When did we stop being a tribe of people and become walls attached to television and computer screens?
I say, lets start feeling again. Lets be human.
May 21 2015 © Grace Divine
Some people can't dare to be different.
Please wake up... Being different means being unique.
And that uniqueness is what makes us human.
And we need you to be human.
May 21 2015 © Grace Divine

Find Cure Depression Art Series TITLE: "Quetzalcoatl Feathered Serpent Transformation"
Ask yourself, when is the last time you had an original thought?
The truth is, you were made to have original thoughts. And that's what makes you human.
May 21 2015 © Grace Divine
My art looks within, to try to understand. If you feel something when you look at it, it is because it is mirroring something inside you. And what is inside you, is significant.
May 21 2015 © Grace Divine

Find Cure Depression Art Series TITLE: "Healing the Soul"
I perceive people as archetypes because that is what we are.
And so, I free my feelings as I can compassionately love and hate at the same time.
May 21 2015 © Grace Divine

Find Cure Depression Art Series TITLE: "Moises was a Woman"
Fairy tales:
As children we were told fairy tales.
Then, supposedly that stopped.
Or did it?
May 21 2015 © Grace Divine

Find Cure Depression Art Series TITLE: "When War Comes Our Spirit is Ready. Here we have the spirit of the bear, the spirit of the eagle, the spirit of the panther and the spirit of the spider time traveler."
I painted this while I was listening to this song:
Lakota Shaman Warrior Music...
Today, as art galleries fill up with incomprehensible so called "objets d'art"
like dead cows or boxes of detergents it begs the question, what is art?
And if anyone defends the absurd as a reflection of humanity, the question then becomes, are we living in a TIME OF ABSURDITY?
According to Google art is to be "appreciated primarily for [it's]... beauty...and... emotional power."
I like this painting. I find it to be interesting. It is strangely pleasing to me, like an exotic meal. And I like that. I like something that feeds me even if it's different.
I am not saying that you will find this to be "art." Instead, your definition of art may run the gamut anywhere and limited to from canvases of pretty flowers to empty shoe boxes.
And I have to wonder, today, have we lost the meaning of what art is?
Or are we too lazy to even define it leaving this important responsibility to self-interested curators and gallery owners who rather than foster significant art about the human experience are out to make a quick buck selling something they call art which has no deeply significant human value?
I think this is art because I find it interesting. To me, it harkens back to the time when humans painted on cave walls in an attempt to touch something beyond their physical reality.
Maybe you hate this. Maybe you like it. Or maybe you feel nothing at all.
And then, maybe you have a box of detergent displayed proudly in your living room.
So then, lets agree to disagree and lets find common ground. I too would like to have a box of detergent. But I will keep mine in the laundry room. And then, when the detergent runs out,
I will throw the box out.
May 21 2015 © Grace Divine

Find Cure Depression Art Series TITLE: "Human evolution 21th century. In the future, when human beings can see more clearly into the universe, we will realize that we are not alone. And that all along, all kinds of things have been staring back at us."
What is this? Art that is real about the inner landscape. If this makes you feel something, that is powerful, because your feelings are significant.
May 21 2015 © Grace Divine

Find Cure Depression Art Series TITLE: "In the beginning the Heart of the Shaman was one with the Heart of the Earth."
 Find Cure Depression Art Series TITLE: "Dancing warrior and getting fears under control."
 Find Cure Depression Art Series TITLE: "The Spiritual World and the Child's Perception as the souls travel down to earth to be born."
 Find Cure Depression Art Series TITLE: "Latin American Lords and Powers. My life as a child in Mexico."

Find Cure Depression Art Series TITLE: "The Fallen Warrior and the tree of Yggdrasil"

Find Cure Depression Art Series TITLE: "Shamanic Calling: The Human Spirit, the Hawk, The Earth, The Sky and the Words of God"

Find Cure Depression Art Series TITLE: "Overcoming Terror Escape from Egypt"
When I realize how much I feel, I understand that to accumulate unnecessary feelings is to hoard them in a bad way and thus my insides become a dumping ground. My art challenges people to face their feelings. Can you feel anything right now?
May 21 2015 © Grace Divine
Yes, we are receptacles filled with lots of things. And some of these things are completely unnecessary. Lets go within and clean house...
May 21 2015 © Grace Divine
They were taken while the art was being created in the location where I painted the art. Some of the paintings are unfinished.

This image shows the size of the paintings

These paintings aren't finished

More images not done April 2015<

This painting is finished and we took it to show the size

More images here showing two finished paintings April 25

Two finished paintings these are all the same

Still working on this one
May 21 2015 © Grace Divine
Title of Art Series:
"Healing the soul with the Shaman's Power!
Soul Retrieval with Courage to Face our Fears"
Every painting constitutes a PRAYER
Using the holy 72 names of God in Hebrew an expression under the umbrage of the holy blessed US Constitution, freedom of speech and RELIGION, each painting constitutes A PRAYER!
This art was created as a reaction to the depression of a friend which ended in suicide. As such, the art challenged my mind to heal by helping it face what is inside it, no matter how horrific.
All of the foregrounds for these paintings were finished over a span of 2 1/2 months, April, May, June 2015. They were inspired by a friend who left us as a result of depression. So these paintings are dedicated to him. As long as these paintings are somewhere on earth, you, dear friend, will always be remembered and loved.
This is art that expresses my personal experience and no one elses. It is about having COURAGE to go within into the inner landscape and FIGHT, LIKE A WARRIOR, for the soul, taking it back. And what I mean about the inner landscape is the MIND.
The images and ideas shown here include the techniques used by shaman medicine people for thousands of years to help retrieve lost parts of the soul. (DISCLAIMER: Some of these paintings are graphic and may be disturbing to some people. They are not meant to be copied or used by anyone for any reason.)
For thousands of years when human beings lived in TRIBAL SYSTEMS, there was a Shaman. Typically, this person was connected to nature and through their work, they connected the tribe to nature. In addition, the shaman provided HEALING. The belief in animistic societies was that the world was filled with life and energy. The shaman was the healer, teacher, counselor, and also connected the tribe to the ancestors asking for help and assistance and for the survival of the tribe.
In the paintings here, I have included OUTFITS or MASKS from different shamanic cultures. From the beginning of time, the shaman would dawn the MASK in order to connect to nature, become the animal totems, find answers to help the tribe, find healing for others, communicate with those departed... From the beginning of time, we find in caves, drawings made by shamans as they prayed and comunicated with the ancestors and nature in order to do different things, like for instance, improve the hunt. etc. Often, the warrior masks and costumes were worn as a form of respect. Hence, masks and costumes, similar to those found in the art here, can be found everywhere where there are ancient cultures!
The way I thought about it is, if one is going to war one must be a FIGHTER and WARRIOR. These masks display this concept. The idea expressed being that inside us, in our minds, or in the inner landscape, some THING has intruded and occupied. And we experience this occupation via overall negativity, sickness, bad thoughts, etc...
These are original one of a kind oil paintings that I painted on canvas.
This means that the only materials used in the art were OIL PAINTS, pencil and paper. That is all. NO OTHER MATERIALS WERE USED IN THE MAKING OF THIS ART!
The art is stretched on stretchers made in my studio.
The paintings are huge as each painting measures 4+ feet by 5+ feet.
Finally, the STYLE OF THE ART is: symbolic, surrealistic, primitive, shamanic, metaphysical, psychological, spiritual, animistic, and modern. Also, they are anthropological and sociological as they are influenced by tribal ideas from around the world.
DISCLAIMER PLEASE NOTE IMPORTANT: This art has powerful images that some may find hard to look at. The art is about DEPRESSION AND SUICIDE! And although people's reactions are varied, some people loving them and others not, I created them ONLY to express my sadness at the loss of my friend. As such, as it concerns all people, other than myself, this art is for fun and entertainment purposes only. It is not meant to be copied or used for any purpose other than viewing as art. Also, I am not a medical doctor or professional. I can not advise anyone on how to deal with anything medically related ie depression and suicide. If you suffer from any medical condition, get help, seek medical treatment from a licensed medical doctor. Finally, I do not endorse the actions of any person as related to this, or related to anything else, and disclaim all responsibility. Artist shows the art with the understanding that the viewer/reader agrees to abide by the agreement here. Also, please note that my art is inspired to raise awareness and inform the public as to what inspires my work. This is under the US Constitution First Amendment Freedom of Speech etc. I am not a charity, not a not for profit. I do not promote, endorse, fund raise for any non profit charity. THANK YOU
If you would like to listen to music with this art series listen to Wiz Khalifa See you again.
All art and writing in this site is © Copyrighted Grace Divine